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Extended Family

3 years since establishing Aethe.Rolea to you and we have finally come to a decision to extend our presence.


The first country will be Germany. Initially a partnership has been advised by our lovely customer in Germany at the beginning of the establishment but since Aethe.Rolea was 'too young' at that time, the dream looks too big, so we put this idea on hold. After 3 years, we thought it will be the right time to branch out as we received this mutual collaboration with @FrauLavendel  


Hence, please give a warmth welcome to them, as this collaboration means growth for Aetherolea. 

Aethe.Rolea introduce their new Extended Family

As quoted on their page, FrauLavendel is a family owned business on essential oils accessories which based in Bochum, Germany. As this approach initiated, we have been more than happy to receive the partnership and support their business as well. 

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Aethe.Rolea Products in Germany

Aethe.Rolea products can be purchased in their online store, the pouch is the collaboration with Fraulavendel.  Directly go to FrauLavendel page and get your dream pouch that you have been waiting for. 


Do you want to be part of Our Extended Family?

If you think you would like to be part of our family, please send us an enquiry form hier.

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